
  • Inna Vishtak Vinnytsya National Technical University
  • Evgeny Kobylyansky Vinnytsya National Technical University


sheet metal cutting, guillotine shears, scissors with rotary beam, press


In a short article the classification of different types of tools for cutting metal. Analyzed their advantages and disadvantages.

Object of research - tools for metal cutting.

Purpose – to determine the advantages and disadvantages of different types of tools for cutting metal.

Sheet metal includes cutting technology (mechanical, laser and plasma), bending, breakdown technology and combined technologies include several successive transactions listed. Punched and bent sheet metal using presses.

Felling of sheet metal using guillotine shears fairly simple, but requires accuracy. Today, there are four types of guillotines for cutting metal. This manual, hydraulic, pneumatic and electromechanical. The principle of operation is the same, but in the past three types of machines are increasingly working almost independently, as modern manufacturers of machines equip their electronics.

Thus, hydraulic guillotine shears are considered the most powerful in their class, they can cut metal length over 8 meters and a thickness of 60 mm. There are two types of such machines, which differ by the type of feed: the first type straight vertical, characterized by moving the frame with a cutting edge up and down in the guide; second type of rotary feed beam. The main advantage with rotary shear beam, is their ease of use, compact size and relatively cheap cost. As for scissors with straight feed frame, the benefits related to their ability to control the angle of inclination. Thus, it appears that the scissors with rotary beam through its blades, walking in circles, provide lower quality cutting of materials of large thickness than guillotine shears straight blades swing.

Author Biographies

Inna Vishtak, Vinnytsya National Technical University


Evgeny Kobylyansky, Vinnytsya National Technical University



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Abstract views: 405



How to Cite

I. Vishtak and E. Kobylyansky, “BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT”, ВМТ, no. 2, pp. 15–22, Apr. 2016.






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