The improvement of performance of buses of municipal enterprise "Vinnytsya Transport Company" using a mixture of fuels
The article analyzes and substantiates the feasibility of using biodiesel as fuel for the engines of buses of the utility company “Vinnytsia Transport Company”. The purpose of the conducted researches is to develop measures to reduce the amount of harmful emissions in the exhaust gases of the engines of buses of the utility enterprise "Vinnytsia Transport Company", while reducing the cost of their operation.
As a subject of the study, a high-capacity bus Bogdan A 70110 was selected, equipped with a turbocharged and intercooled 6-cylinder DEUTZ TCD 2013 L6 4V diesel engine, meeting the requirements of EURO III exhaust emissions standards. The bus performed transport work in Vinnytsia on route No. 19 "Vyshenka - Nemyrivske shose" during the working shift.
The analysis of physical and chemical properties of diesel and biodiesel were analyzed and the feasibility of using the mixture as fuel for the buses of the utility company Vinnytsia Transport Company. The economic effect of using a mixture of fuels as fuel for engines compared to the use of pure diesel fuel has been calculated. To perform the calculations, the following conditions were adopted: the bus diesel engine is warmed to operating temperature; since the urban traffic has a large irregularity in hours of the day, it is assumed that the bus is loaded at 70% of the maximum passenger capacity.
The annual economic effect of using the B20 fuel mixture by all diesel buses of the Utility Enterprise "Vinnitsa Transport Company" was determined. To ensure reliable operation of the diesel system, the intervals of operations during maintenance of the fuel system of diesel engines running on a mixture of fuels were adjusted.
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