Simulation of parameters of functioning of public passenger stopping points
urban passenger transport, stop point, transport infrastructure, mass service systemAbstract
Urban passenger transport (UPT) is dominant (and will be long-term) in urban transport services. The functioning of a modern city cannot be imagined without a developed system of urban passenger transport, the level of efficiency of which largely determines the living conditions of people and affects the results of their work in the main production. In these circumstances, the problem of determining the social and economic efficiency of passenger transport is relevant. An important place is the location of the system of stop points on the street-road network of the city, which affects the availability of transport services, traffic safety and road capacity. At the same time, the location of stopping points on the route and geometric characteristics of landing sites depend on their arrangement for the convenience of passengers, as well as the design of parameters of the transport process. Despite the existence of known methods of determining the optimal length of the crossing and the developed rules and rules for determining the distance between stopping points on the UPT lines within the territory of settlements, the total costs of the society in determining the optimal length of the crossing remain unexplored. There are also no dependencies to determine the location of UPT stop points within squares, the formation of streets and roads by the intersection.
The society now sets new requirements for the city's transport system. The population of the city requires optimized transport services, with the help of which maximum benefit could be obtained: minimum consumption of time and funds, social orientation of routes and the like. The main factor of mobility of the population in the city is the structure of the unified transport network, the balance of development of engineering and transport infrastructure, the strategy of spatial development of the urban territory.
One of the ways to reduce the time spent by the population of cities is now considered the main criterion for the efficiency of urban passenger transport systems, the improvement of the transport and planning organization of stop points, which are an element of the transport network of the city and largely determine its normal operation.
The results of studies of regularities of rational location of UPT stop points are presented, with minimal interference for transport flow and their geometric parameters.
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