axisymmetric compression, forming, lateral surface, cylindrical billets, friction coefficient, nonstationary strain.Abstract
The method for the analytical description of the radius of barrel during axisymmetric compression with barrels formation is developed in the paper.
The research object is the maximum radius of the free lateral surface of cylindrical billets during axisymmetric compression.
The purpose of work is to determine the essence of the assumptions underlying the model construction for analytical description of the maximum radius depending on the friction and compression ratio during axisymmetric compression of cylindrical billets.
The developed technique of constructing model for the analytical description of the radius of barrel depending on the friction and compression ratio during axisymmetric compression of cylindrical billets in explicit form contains the hypotheses and conditions of forming mechanics. This approach contributes to a better understanding of the model, awareness of different ways of building of its alternatives, which in turn lays the foundation for further development of the model and to analyze it.
This technique can be the basis for creating a mathematical model of the dynamics of forming the lateral surface of the cylindrical billets during axisymmetric compression.
The problem of analytic representation of the barrel radius during axisymmetric compression of cylindrical billets is considered in detail. A method for obtaining the ratio for the barrel radius is developed, taking into account the main physical characteristics of axisymmetric compression process. Using an analytic representation of barrel radius during strain, dependence that characterizes dependence of radius of barrel on the coefficient of friction and stage of deformation during axisymmetric compression is built.References
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