mea (machine engineering armanent), service, repair, personnel, system.Abstract
The article contains a comparative analysis of modern systems maintenance and repair of machinery engineering of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The object of the study is methods of improving the efficiency of the system maintenance MEA.
The purpose is to conduct research, the findings of which should develop recommendations to improve the operation of these systems.
It is believed that the effective deployment of assets Logistics promotes fuller manifestation fighting properties of formations and units as technical support to put one of the main objectives - to ensure the maintenance and repair of military equipment and store it in a state of combat efficiency.
The special researches, in that the questions of ground of events in relation to maintenance of MEA in the capable of working state are examined at the one-sided analysis of breakages that arise up in the period of the use of weapon on purpose, are conducted for this purpose. As a rule, prophylactic measures are taken to replacement of knots and aggregates with subzero longevity. Thus geographical terms, terms of the use and storage of MEA, influence of personnel, are not taken into account on the change of descriptions of reliability of standards, the ways of reduction of refuses are not examined due to optimization of the checking of the technical state of machine, improvement of the system of preparation of personnel, adjustment of volumes and periodicity of routine preventive measures.
There is a methodical apparatus to determine the basic standards of maintenance which justifies frequency and amount of maintenance work, but it does not consider the impact of developments and term of weapons to use and does not use a recent scientific papers. In the Armed Forces of Ukraine M & E maintenance is carried out, pre-planned intervals after solving arising through their usage for other purposes.
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