
  • V. Shvets Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. Kashkanov Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • L. Kucherenko Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • O. Adamchuk Vinnytsia National Technical University


greening, outdoor space, drivers, perception, road situations


In the article the perception of street space driver. These image areas with different ways street landscaping, where you can track how the spatiality street and as a result - the perception by the driver of the car.

Purpose is to determine, based on analysis of landscaping, driver behavior patterns at dynamic change of street space.

The problem is that in the process of design, construction and operation of the road to find a solution that would satisfy all these aspects. Perception of road landscape will be different depending on the position of the observer. Different perceive his driver and pedestrians, tourists and residents living in the vicinity of the road.

Green areas cause different perceptions of street space, depending on the characteristics of green groups and individual plantings. The main characteristics are: the shape of the crown, breed and type of planting and geometrical parameters of greenery. These factors characterize the area of green space as part of a street situation and provide spatial perception of the driver roadway.

An important parameter is a linear type step spaces boarding. It determines the specificity of perception green line, the greater density – the smaller the space outside. Visual reduce the width of the street is in the driver's desire to accelerate the pace of movement, causing discomfort when determining places to stop and need to go to an open space. Available spaces create a half-open space, which is the psycho-emotional state alert the driver and lead to an uneven movement of the vehicle. Thus, each type is used to solve the problem of situational road network.

Author Biographies

V. Shvets, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph.D., assistant professor of urban planning and architecture

V. Kashkanov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph.D., assistant professor of cars and transport management

L. Kucherenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph.D., assistant professor of urban planning and architecture

O. Adamchuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

a student of the department of architecture and urban planning


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Abstract views: 294



How to Cite

V. Shvets, V. Kashkanov, L. Kucherenko, and O. Adamchuk, “MODELING SPACE STREET LANDSCAPING AND IT’S IMPACT ON EMOTIONAL STATE DRIVER”, ВМТ, no. 1, pp. 102–109, Jul. 2016.






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