Ways of optimizing the quantity of individual transport in the limited possibilities of the street and road network
individual transport, passengers, restrictions, means of control, street and road network.Abstract
An analysis of scientific research was conducted in the direction of reducing the negative impact of the use of individual vehicles on the street and road network of cities. In order to solve the problem of transport oversaturation of public transportation systems, the foreign experience of limiting the use of individual vehicles on the street and road network of cities was analyzed. The main directions of restrictions on the use of individual vehicles on the street and road network of cities have been established, including restrictions on the operation of individual vehicles depending on the number of passengers in the cabin, the digital configuration of the state license plate, and the presence of vehicle certification. Methods of limiting the operation of individual vehicles in the busy part of the city were also considered. These measures are aimed at reducing the intensity of traffic in cities and increasing the filling factor of the vehicle interior. Considering that a large share of individual vehicles used in Ukraine belongs to Euro-2 and Euro-4 environmental standards, their use significantly worsens the environmental situation in large cities. Approaches aimed at increasing the use of public transport and other alternative modes of transport for transporting passengers in cities are summarized, which reduces the load on the street and road network and improves the environmental situation. To solve the described problems, it is necessary to use a comprehensive approach, in particular, to apply measures of both a regulatory and an informational nature, primarily to popularize the use of public transport. The proposed measures to solve the described transport problems will improve the comfort of transport connections for all road users and the environmental situation, especially in large cities of Ukraine.
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