
  • V. Shvets Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. Kashkanov Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. Halibroda Vinnytsia National Technical University


matrix passenger, route, correspondence, passenger transportation, transport network


Today the strategic management of complex transport of large cities is becoming more challenging. This is not only due to the increasing number of transport, development of transport networks and related infrastructure, and the increased level and quality of transport services. Because of this, the development of effective system of transport complex is a priority for many cities. Its impossible without creating a mathematical model of the transport system.

A key feature of the model transport system is a matrix of correspondence, which reflects the total number of people who moved from one point to another transport network for some time. Known in the literature methods for constructing such matrices are gravity and entropy methods that involve the use of prior information about the volume of traffic on the basis of socio-economic statistics and statistical methods differ from the recovery matrix.

Solving many transportation problems depends on the efficiency of constructing the routing system of the city, meaning that it is linked geographically and in time defined a set route passenger traffic on the transport network. Create routing system or improving the existing one of the important problems in the organization of passenger traffic, because of the level of formation depends largely on efficiency of rolling stock and quality of transport services.

In the article the methods of forming matrices correspondence passenger movements, identified their strengths and weaknesses.

Author Biographies

V. Shvets, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph.D., associate professor, assistant professor of construction management and urban architecture

V. Kashkanov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph.D., associate professor, assistant professor of cars and transport management

V. Halibroda, Vinnytsia National Technical University

graduate student of construction, urban and architecture


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Abstract views: 368



How to Cite

V. Shvets, V. Kashkanov, and V. Halibroda, “COMPARISON EXTRAPOLATION METHOD OF FORMING MATRIXES CORRESPONDENCE”, ВМТ, no. 2, pp. 109–114, Jan. 2017.






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