hydraulic drive, hydraulic hammer, vibration, shock-vibration sensing, sensing of soil, vavle-clusterAbstract
The research object is hinged hydraulics hammer for sensing of soil.
The purpose of the work is to improve productivity performance of sensing of soil, through the development of fundamentally new equipment.
The main objective of researchers that provide designers the necessary raw data is a quick introduction of new advanced methods of research soil, providing, on the one hand, the quality of received information on soils, on the other - a very high performance, which reduces the time of survey work. Thus it becomes apparent that the main factor affecting the performance of work performed is the time of the hearing. All technological progress is reduced to reduce time of certain operations and reducing the total overall dimensions of mechanisms and machines. Given the prospects of developing a new and modern equipment that will improve the performance of work, the relevance of this work becomes apparent.
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