vehicle, efficiency, maintenance, reliabilityAbstract
The article analyzes the criteria for assessing the impact on the efficiency of vehicles improving the system of diagnosing.
Object of research – the indicators of efficiency of use of vehicles.
The aim of the work is to analyze criteria for assessing the impact on the efficiency of vehicles by improving the diagnostic system.
As criteria to determine the optimal periodicity of preventive technical effects are used: the probability of failure, the probability of the healthy state, the parameter of flow failures, mean time to failure etc. This is because they cover many technological and operational factors, and therefore adequately characterize the reliability Of the So. in the given conditions.
Thus it is established that the evaluation criteria of influence on transport efficiency is based on:
– parameter flow of failures, which is an indicator of reliability of restored objects, and is calculated according to the statistical data;
– probability of failure, which is an indicator of reliability.
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