Study of the process passenger transportation with modeling of public transport stops


  • Ihor Khitrov National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



transport infrastructure, route network, passenger transportation process, bus stop, simulation modeling


Public transport is characterized by its accessibility and sharing and is intended for a wide range of people, regardless of social status or income. The main function is to provide the ability to move people from one place to another within the city.

Bus stops are a strategic place to ensure territorial accessibility from central to peripheral neighborhoods. They maintain order and organization in the operation of public transport.

It is the study of the network of public transport routes and stops that is crucial for improving the quality of service, increasing the efficiency of transport systems and ensuring convenience for users. However, in each case, it is necessary to use an individual approach to organizational and planning decisions.

The article describes the peculiarities of the functioning of public transport in the city of Dubno, Rivne region, in the context of research on infrastructure, route network, passenger flow, location and modeling of stops, taking into account the future development of new neighborhoods.

It was found that the route network in Dubno includes 22 public transport routes with 64 stops. On average, 19544 passengers use public transport and get off at bus stops every day - 54% of all city residents. The rapid development of the city requires the arrangement of new public transport stops with changing routes, the operation of which in the overall transportation system was investigated by simulation modeling.

The results obtained will make it possible to develop schedules and routes for public transport and to perform technical and economic calculations for the modern arrangement of stops.

The research reported in this article was conducted at the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering with the support of the Department of Economics and Property of the Dubno City Council.

Author Biography

Ihor Khitrov , National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

–Ph. D. (Eng), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Transport Technologies and Technical Service Department


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How to Cite

I. . Khitrov, “Study of the process passenger transportation with modeling of public transport stops”, ВМТ, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 157–164, Jul. 2024.






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