Increasing the efficiency of ensuring the performance of vehicles


  • Yuri Savin National Transport University
  • Oleksandr Sokolenko National Transport University



gradual failure, diagnostic parameter, computer diagnostics, freight transportation, car scanner


Accidental failures, leading to unplanned repairs, significantly increase the cost of their elimination compared to planned measures. A significant part of such failures are not sudden in nature. Gradual failure is preceded by a gradual change in some parameters. The impact of gradual failures on the efficient operation of road freight transport is increasing. Despite the fact that the failure of the engine, clutch or automatic transmission is not dangerous to the life and health of people, their impact on the economic condition of the enterprise is significant. There is a trend of decreasing the size of the rolling stock fleet for most of the country's motor transport enterprises. Therefore, the importance of keeping each car in working condition increases. To increase the accuracy of the prevention of gradual and sudden-gradual failures, a forecasting method based on the diagnosis of trucks with a specialized diagnostic car scanner TEXA Navigator MULTIHUB is proposed. The selection of diagnostic parameters was carried out in accordance with the requirements for compliance with the accuracy, efficiency, and informativeness of the diagnostic parameters. The research was carried out on MAN TG-X, MAN TGA, VOLVO FH 12, DAF 105 XF, and DAF 106 cars. A sequential cylinder shutdown test was conducted to determine the compression and efficiency of all cylinders. A gradual change in the operating parameter is determined based on the obtained decrease in revolutions. In the next test, the correction of the injectors for the amount of fuel injected into the cylinders is checked. The reference value is taken as 0. The correction tolerance for increasing or decreasing the fuel supply time should be within +1 or 1. Based on the received data, the nozzle is determined, in the correction gradually increases, which signals a problem with the nozzle's operation. For the clutch, a test of the position of the start of switching on and off was carried out. By reducing the percentage of idling, you can determine the gradual engagement of the clutch. All the conducted tests make it possible to graphically display a change in a parameter or property and, using extrapolation, to predict the moment of failure. All cars carry out freight transportation in international traffic. Control parameters and data extrapolation made it possible to predict engine, clutch, and automatic transmission failures. Selected diagnostic parameters can be used to predict and prevent failures.

Author Biographies

Yuri Savin , National Transport University

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of department "Technical operation of cars and car services"

Oleksandr Sokolenko , National Transport University

Post graduate student of the «Technical operation of cars and car service» department


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Abstract views: 46



How to Cite

Y. . Savin and O. . Sokolenko, “Increasing the efficiency of ensuring the performance of vehicles”, ВМТ, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 123–130, Jul. 2024.






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