Development of intelligent transport systems


  • Sergii A. Kliuiev Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • Artem E. Sihonin Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • Serhii V. Tsymbal Vinnytsia National Technical University



vehicle, intelligent transport systems, functions, traffic management, electronic payment systems


The purpose of the article is to develop a refined methodology for the general design of a container terminal. The difference between the given design methodology and the existing ones is that a decision is proposed to change its throughput (annual container flow passing through it), without changing the dimensions of the container yard and the way containers are stored, that is, for the same capacity of the container yard. Such cases occur, for example, when it is necessary to reconstruct a container terminal. Cargo terminals for containers are a specific field of logistics and cargo delivery system, where cargo is processed in consolidated transport modules - containers.

Considered the main stages of designing a container terminal as a complex stochastic technical system: setting the task (it should be a single one); selection and determination of elements of technological zones and the structure of the container terminal, as various connections between system elements; analysis of system functioning (including its modeling); account of interaction of the system with the environment; consideration of the results of the container transport and technological system and operation. It is determined that this general methodology can be used during the creation or analysis of any other transformation of a technical or social system that receives a stream of some objects with one set of parameters, processes it through its structure and outputs them from other parameters. This method of formalizing the functioning of the container terminal can be used for its calculations, modeling, research and optimization. In the processes of interaction with environmental systems, the container terminal passes from one state to another, which is characterized by the types and volume of technological operations that must be performed at a certain moment, cargo that must be stored, delivered to and from the terminal, assembled, sorted, business employee processes, forklifts, cranes and other equipment in use. The functioning of the container terminal (part of the warehouse system) as a procedure of transitions from one state to another can be represented in the form of a graph or transition probability matrix.

Author Biographies

Sergii A. Kliuiev , Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor

Artem E. Sihonin , Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University


Serhii V. Tsymbal , Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

S. . A. Kliuiev, A. E. Sihonin, and S. V. Tsymbal, “Development of intelligent transport systems”, ВМТ, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 80–86, Feb. 2024.






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