Evaluation of strength and reliability of vehicles
reliability, durability, vehicles, increasing reliability, wheeled vehiclesAbstract
At present, the issue of ensuring the strength and reliability of wheeled vehicles, the creation of which requires compliance with all modern requirements, has not been fully resolved. In this regard, improving the methodology for assessing the strength and reliability of vehicles is an urgent task, the solution of which involves finding answers to the following questions: the choice of a rational version of the bearing system and economically sound profiles; selection of materials with appropriate physical and mechanical characteristics, etc. The choice of a rational variant of the load-bearing system of frame structures of vehicles requires a comparative assessment of possible options at all stages of design work. The load-bearing structures of vehicles are statically uncertain. Therefore, the process of assessing the strength and reliability of vehicles with different types of design schemes is a complex task, which today does not have a single methodological solution. In order to solve this problem, the model of the stress-strain state of the spatially loaded frame structure of the HESSTON S 125 solid fertilizer spreader is considered by a modified method of minimum potential deformation energy of structural structures using the Heaviside function. The frame is a welded load-bearing structure consisting of three longitudinal spars connected by a front beam and crossbars. Carrying out the correct and rational analysis of the stress-strain state of such a bearing system is possible only with the use of a modified method of minimum potential deformation energy. As a result of modeling, recommendations were obtained for the rational design of components and components of wheeled vehicles with increased reliability while reducing material consumption. Ultimately, this leads to an increase in their strength and reliability while reducing material consumption.
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