Features of the vehicle axle group wheels’ movement on a trajectory circular


  • Anatolii Soltus Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Eduard Klimov Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University
  • Ludmyla Tarandushka Cherkasy State Technological University




база візка, бічне зміщення, контактний відбиток шини, кут відведення, зони зчеплення, кривизна траєкторії, axle group wheel base, lateral offset, tire contact patch, slip angle, adhesion area, curvature trajectory


The results study of the motion along a curvilinear trajectory of a multi-axle vehicle axle group elastic wheel on a ground plane with a high coefficient of adhesion are presented. The elastic wheel is considered as an integral mechanism, which includes a hard rim, an elastic tire body and a large tire contact patch.
The analysis of previous studies showed that during the elastic wheel movement along a curved trajectory, the wheel rim rotates simultaneously and its lateral offset relative to the tire contact patch. Turning the disc causes the tire body torsion and its lateral offset causes the wheel to roll with the slip angle. The torsion angle of the tire body in absolute value is equal to the slip angle and their values depend on the curvature of the trajectory, the longitudinal axis of the tire contact patch and the presence of adhesion in it.
It is established that if the wheel of vehicle axle group is offset relative to the center of the portable movement during the motion along the curvilinear trajectory there will be an additional lateral offset of the wheel disk relative to the tire contact patch during the time when the wheel travels a path equal to the longitudinal axis of the tire contact patch. Dependences for determination of slip angles of a vehicle axle group wheels during movement along the curvilinear trajectory has been determined. It is established that the value of the additional slip angle caused by the lateral offset of the rim depends on the axle group wheel base, the radius of curvature of the wheel trajectory, the longitudinal axis of the tire contact patch and the presence of adhesion zones in the tire contact patch.
The total slip angle of the wheel, which is shifted relative to the center of the vehicle’s portable motion, is determined by the sum of the kinematic angle of the wheel and the angle caused by the lateral offset of the wheel rim relative to the tire contact patch. If there are sliding zones in contact of the tire contact patch with the ground plane, the increase in the slip angle will be proportional to the part of the longitudinal axis of the tire contact patch, which is in a state of adhesion to the ground plane.

Author Biographies

Anatolii Soltus, Cherkasy State Technological University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of Cars and Technologies of their Operation Department

Eduard Klimov, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University

Ph. D. (Eng), Associate Professor, Head of Automobiles and Tractors Department

Ludmyla Tarandushka, Cherkasy State Technological University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Cars and Technologies of their Operation Department


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Abstract views: 173



How to Cite

A. Soltus, E. Klimov, and L. Tarandushka, “Features of the vehicle axle group wheels’ movement on a trajectory circular”, ВМТ, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 141–147, Jul. 2022.






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