Bases of the algorithm for selecting a transport option of harding liquids of the industrial-agricultural complex in the presence of sea transportation
assessment, transport, solidifying liquids, industrial and agricultural complex, sea transportationAbstract
The modern development of nuclear energy, defense and space technology, aviation, chemistry, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, agriculture, all types of transport, medicine, road and industrial construction, food and other types of industry and technology has led to an increase in the volume of transportation of specific cargoes – solidifying liquids. They are produced and consumed, as a rule, in liquid form, and some of them can be transported in any aggregate state, for example: liquid, in bulk, powder, granules, colloidal, piece, packaged. As a rule, these substances, when they are transferred to the state necessary for the producer and consumer for transportation and storage, have increased: harmful effects on the environment, costs of energy, human and natural resources. The main generalized interrelated criteria of each variant of the solidification fluid transport system (FTS) are related to 1 ton of the transported fluid: the minimum of the economic costs, the minimum time spent on transporting the liquid, the minimum harmful effect of the FTS on the environment, and the minimum energy consumption. The basics of assessing the transport of hardening fluids of the industrial-agricultural complex in the implementation of maritime transport are considered. It is noted that the necessary systematic approach to the study, which takes into account the largest number of objects and operations in the FTS, taking into account interactions that are not taken into account in established practice: integration into international systems, financial needs and staffing of all system participants, etc. Tasks, considered in the FTS, from the point of view of decision theory, are deterministic in nature, since each selected option comes with a unique result. It is determined that the controlling mechanism in the system of transport of solidified liquids is a contractual agreement on a commercial basis between the producer, transport and consumer of the solidified liquid and the main constituent entities. In the course of this study, significant features were identified during the transportation of FTS, the application of the scientific method to the tasks of managing the FTS is shown, which provides, first of all, the creation of operational models of FTS in general, and then experimentation at the level of objects and processes. The criterion used in solving such problems should be the boundary of maximizing expected utility.
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