Improvement of technical maintenance and repair of vehicles
control, consumption, fuel, system, maintenance, repair, correction, coefficients, speed, data, readingAbstract
The article discusses the use of a planned preventive maintenance system in modern conditions using systems of monitoring of transport , which allows a more reasonable approach to the period of maintenance and create a new approach to calculating runs before technical impacts.
Confirmation of the proposed method must be obtained by analyzing the data on failures using the available information and reference system. The analysis of statistical data is necessary to determine the criterion of necessity and sufficiency when performing maintenance. In order to reduce costs when performing maintenance and repair of vehicles, the intervals are set to the maximum possible regulated by the manufacturer, but exceeding the maintenance period is fraught with premature failure of individual systems and mechanisms, the restoration of which can be an order of magnitude greater than the savings in this approach. At the same time, the analysis of statistical data can identify the most vulnerable mechanisms and focus on them when performing technical maintenance. The work carried out to collect and analyze information about the structure of the bus fleet, the distribution of rolling stock by mileage since the beginning of operation, age and average annual mileage suggests that there is a significant influence of mileage and age of buses on the number of requests for repairs, as well as seasonal factors of operation. The analyzed failures and malfunctions of systems and units of bus operating in urban conditions require a balanced approach to determining the timing of maintenance and repair. For a correct description of operating conditions, roads, and road conditions, you can use indicators such as vehicle speed and load. When determining the load, is used parameter of the instantaneous or average fuel consumption, which can be determined using fuel flow and level sensors, as well as using data from the duration of fuel injection by injectors, as well as data from intermediate calculations in the vehicle's CAN data bus. These parameters can be read using the system of transport telematic, which will simplify calculations and obtain greater accuracy.
The method of using vehicle parameters has the advantage of taking into account instantaneous data of the autobus operation and, in comparison with the traditional approach, will increase the accuracy of determining the timing of maintenance and remout, since the coefficient K1 depends on the speed and load over time when measuring instantaneous and average fuel consumption over the injection duration.
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