Increasing energy efficiency of wheel machines method of disconnecting cylinders in a vehicle engine


  • Andrii Molodan Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University



wheeled vehicle, energy efficiency, cylinder shutdown, tractor engine, efficiency, power utilization


The article proposes an algorithm for selecting the number of disconnected cylinders, depending on the instantaneous value of power. When using the proposed method of controlling the energy efficiency of the tractor motor when working with incomplete load program on-board computer of the actual power, determines the required for the engine to work minimum number of cylinders. The dependence of the wheel machine efficiency on the instantaneous realized power was obtained by processing the records of the onboard motion logger and the approximation obtained by the experimental dependence of the efficiency of the motor tractor on the coefficient of power utilization by the least squares method was obtained. To the question of how much it is most advantageous to turn off the engine cylinders, to effectively use its power at the same level without the need to increase the cycle fuel supply. With a larger cycle supply in the cylinders, the average indicator pressure increases and the combustion process improves. When the part of the cylinder of the engine is switched off during its operation, the indicator power of the engine decreases, resulting in a decrease in the crankshaft rotation speed and engine torque. The energy diagram of a wheeled car in nominal mode when driving with a diesel engine is presented. It shows that the cost of own use is 30-40%. The need to increase the efficiency of the engine in a wide range of speed and load modes contributes to the search for new technical solutions and the development of previously known, which have proven themselves. This is due in the first place to the requirements for fuel economy and toxicity of the exhaust gas, and in some cases the need to improve the transients in the engine while maintaining other characteristics at the same level or even improving them.

Author Biography

Andrii Molodan, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology and Machine Repair


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Abstract views: 346



How to Cite

A. Molodan, “Increasing energy efficiency of wheel machines method of disconnecting cylinders in a vehicle engine”, ВМТ, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 48–53, Nov. 2019.






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