Mathematical model of a mechatronic hydraulic actuator of a manipulator with frequency control of an asynchronous electric motor
volumetric hydraulic drive, hydraulic pump, asynchronous electric motor, frequency control, frequency converter, mathematical modelAbstract
The mechatronic hydraulic actuator of the manipulator is considered, in which the volumetric pump is driven by an asynchronous electric motor with a frequency converter. The drive of the manipulator with frequency control of the asynchronous electric motor makes it possible to proportionally regulate the flow of working fluid from the hydraulic pump to the hydraulic motor, optimally perform the working operations of the manipulator and save a significant amount of energy in the operating cycle of the machine compared to traditional throttle control. The presence of proportional regulation of fluid supply and stabilization of the speed of movement of the manipulator also increases the accuracy of pointing it at the object, improves the working conditions of the operator.
The aim of the work is to create and test a mathematical model of a mechatronic hydraulic actuator of a manipulator with frequency control of an asynchronous electric motor, which would be suitable for a simulation study of statics and motive dynamics in the MATLAB Simulink software environment.
The design scheme of the mechatronic hydraulic actuator of the manipulator with frequency control of an asynchronous electric motor has been developed. According to the design scheme and accepted assumptions, the mathematical model includes the equation of forces applied to the piston of the hydraulic cylinder; flow continuity equations for the corresponding sections of the hydraulic drive; equation of torque on the drive shaft of the pump; the equation of the main feedback sensor for the frequency of rotation of the pump shaft; adder equation and equations describing the operation of an asynchronous motor with a frequency converter. The mathematical model is presented in the form of a structural diagram, which clearly reflects all the relationships between the equations (calculated blocks). To simulate a drive in the MATLAB Simulink software environment, a corresponding computational structure (block diagram) has been developed. Testing of this structure has shown that the calculation process is stable, and also confirms its performance.
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