Parametric single-time generators impulses of a pressure increased towing confidence


  • Roman Obertykh Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Andrii Slabkyi Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Sergei Andrukhov Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Vitaliy Kudrash Vinnytsia National Technical University



pressure pulse generator, sealing, hydraulic link, hydropulse drive, deformation, stiffness, energy carriers, actuator, innings, degree, pressure, the course


One of the advantages of the hydropulse devices for the vibration cutter (VC) and the surface deformation hardening of the parts (SDHP), in front of devices with other types of drives (mechanical, pneumatic, electric, etc.) is its small dimensions with significant energy efficiency. This advantage is achieved through the use of high-rigidity springs, such as cut-out (СS), plate (PS)  and ring (RS)  springs, which, in order to minimize the dimensions of devices, are used in power and distribution units (pressure generators of the pulse pressure (PPG), are combined or made as one part with their power and distribution (PPG) links.

The  bandwidth Q of PPG used in the hydropulse devices for VC and SDHP is, as a rule, single-stage PPGs of parametric type with valve (facsimile) and spool sealing, respectively, of the first and second degrees of sealing of the locking element (link) of the PPG, determined by its the conditional passage dу, which is regulated by the diameters of the stages of PPG sealing, respectively, the first – d1 and the second – d2 and the negative overlap hв of the spool sealing degree, which is achieved by the magnitude of the positive overlapping hд.

One possible way to increase the throughput of single-stage PPGs based on elastic elements of high stiffness is to reduce the course of the locking element of the PPG by eliminating (using a valve seal in the second degree of PPG) or significantly reducing its positive overlap hд, under conditions of application of short high-stiffness springs and conservation stresses arising in the cross sections of their elements at the level of permissible ones.

According to the indicated way of increasing the throughput of single-stage PPGs on the basis of elastic high stiffness elements, the design schemes of single-stage PPGs with increased throughput for controlling the hydropulse drives (HPD) of vibration process machines and devices are considered. The basic link of the proposed PPG is the shutter element with a valve (façade) seal, made at the same time or combined with an elastic high stiffness link, for example, cut-through  or ring  springs.

Two types of single-stage PPGs with increased throughput have been developed with the connection diagrams for the HPD (hydrocylinder etc.) power connection at the «outlet» and «inlet».

Increased PPG throughput is achieved due to the considerable efforts of the preliminary deformation of the CS or RS and the limitation of their radial and axial dimensions.


Author Biographies

Roman Obertykh, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), associate professor, Professor  of department industrial engineering

Andrii Slabkyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor of department of industrial engineering

Sergei Andrukhov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

master, a candidate for the  of the department of branch engineering

Vitaliy Kudrash, Vinnytsia National Technical University

student of the department industrial engineering,  Vinnytsia National Technical University


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How to Cite

R. Obertykh, A. Slabkyi, S. Andrukhov, and V. Kudrash, “Parametric single-time generators impulses of a pressure increased towing confidence”, ВМТ, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 82–88, Jun. 2019.






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