Improving the technical and economic indicators of the technological process of machining the workpiece parts such as «Fork»


  • Zhanna Dusaniuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Oleksandr Deribo Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Serhii Repinskii Vinnytsia National Technical University



technological process, manually controlled machine-tools, NC machine-tools, labor intensity, energy consumption, technological cost, labor productivity


The object of study is the technological process of machining the workpiece parts such as «Fork».

The aim of the work is to analyze the efficiency of using machine tools with manual control and machine tools with numerical control for machining workpieces of the «Fork» type of parts based on a comparison of technical and economic indicators.

Comparison of two variants of technological processes of mechanical processing of the workpiece parts such as «Fork». One of them was built using hand-operated machines, the second machine tools with numerical control. In the first variant, adopted according to the basic (factory) technological process, the processing is carried out on six machines, in the second (advanced) on two.

Cutting conditions and time norms (main, piece-calculation) for the basic variant of the technological process are taken in accordance with the factory operating cards according to the standards for hand-operated machines. For an improved version of the process, cutting conditions are taken according to regulatory data for numerically controlled machine tools and they are higher in value (feed, cutting speed, rotational speed), which reduced the cutting time, as well as the piece-calculation processing time.

The reduction in the number of operations, the time for their execution, respectively, affected the technological cost of machining, which led to its decrease.

Reducing the time of processing the surface of the workpiece parts such as «Fork» on machine tools with numerical control, reducing the number of machines has reduced the cost of electricity in this variant of the process.

The calculation of the productivity of processing workpieces of the «Fork» type parts for the considered variants of technological processes was carried out, which confirmed the expediency of using machine tools with numerical program control (a twofold increase).

Reducing the number of machines in the proposed version of the process to two units reduces the number of main workers (machine operators). Taking into account the value of the piece-time for two operations when using machines with numerical control of one model, they can be serviced by one worker. Reducing the number of machines to two can significantly reduce the cost of wages for machine operators, production area, production costs.

These technical and economic indicators confirm the effectiveness of the use of the proposed variant of the technological process, built on the principle of concentration of operations on machines with numerical program control.

The materials of the research can be used in real conditions of production, as well as in the educational process in the study of the discipline «Engineering Technology» and in the implementation of course projects, final works.

Author Biographies

Zhanna Dusaniuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Department of Technology and Automation of Mechanical Engineer

Oleksandr Deribo, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Professor of the Department of Technology and Automation of Mechanical Engineer

Serhii Repinskii, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Department of Technology and Automation of Mechanical Engineer


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Abstract views: 338



How to Cite

Z. Dusaniuk, O. Deribo, and S. Repinskii, “Improving the technical and economic indicators of the technological process of machining the workpiece parts such as «Fork»”, ВМТ, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 44–52, Jun. 2019.






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