
  • Zhanna Dusaniuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Oleksandr Deribo Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Sergii Repinskyi Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Oksana Paslavska Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Roman Parkhomchuk Vinnytsia National Technical University


manufacturing process, cutting modes, time standards, energy consumtion, technological cost, labor productivity


Research object – manufacturing process of machining the blank of the multiplier body component.

Research aim – comparative analysis of the technical and economic indicators of machining the blanks of the multiplier body component on manually-controlled and CNC machine-tools in order to determine the factors, having the most significant influence on the efficiency of manufacturing processes of machining the component blanks in terms of complexity, energy consumption, technological cost and labor productivity.

Analysis of the technical and economic indicators of machining the blank of the multiplier body component batch on manually-controlled and CNC machine-tools has been performed. The efficiency of CNC machine-tools was confirmed in terms of the reduced technological cost of machining operations and energy consumption as well as higher labor productivity. The most influential factors have been determined as to the efficiency of manufacturing processes of machining the component blanks in terms of complexity, energy consumption, technological cost and labor productivity. Particularly, the choice of cutting modes has shown that CNC machining is performed at higher feed rates and rotation speeds of the spindle. It has been determined that for performing CNC machine-tools operations much less time is required with corresponding significant reduction of total machining time. Technological cost of CNC machining operations is reduced with corresponding three-time reduction of the total technological cost. Analysis has shown the reduction of electric power consumption for performing CNC machine tool operations. It was determined that the productivity of operations of machining the blank of the multiplier body component on CNC machine-tools is four-time higher.

The research results can be used for analyzing the existing and designing new machining processes in machine-building production and in the educational process.


Author Biographies

Zhanna Dusaniuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Department of Тechnology and Аutomation of Mechanical Еngineer

Oleksandr Deribo, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Professor of the Department of Тechnology and Аutomation of Mechanical Еngineer

Sergii Repinskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Department of Тechnology and Аutomation of Mechanical Еngineer

Oksana Paslavska, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Senior Laboratory of the Department of Тechnology and Аutomation of Mechanical Еngineer

Roman Parkhomchuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Student of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Transport


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Abstract views: 270



How to Cite

Z. Dusaniuk, O. Deribo, S. Repinskyi, O. Paslavska, and R. Parkhomchuk, “IMPROVING EFFICIENCY OF MACHINING THE BLANK OF THE MULTIPLIIER BODY COMPONENT”, ВМТ, no. 1, pp. 28–38, Jul. 2017.






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