method, hoses, pressure, performance, stand, modernization, compliance coefficientAbstract
Object of study – transient processes in the cavity of flexible high pressure hoses.
The Purpose of work – create a modernized scheme and description for research of dynamic susceptibility factor KD(р).
In modern terms the use of various technological equipment and machines commonly used hydraulic actuators, which has no alternative in terms of power density and range management. Almost all of them, except for metal pipes, use flexible hoses, especially in the mobile executive.
In this regard, the dynamic characteristics of flexible pipelines directly affect the hydraulic dynamics as a whole. Currently there is no single and effective analytical method for determining dynamic characteristics of flexible high pressure hoses (HPH), primarily because of the complexity of their structure, which is a composite structure with a number of rubber, woven and metal layers.
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3. Experimental study on dynamic pipe fracture in consideration of hydropower plant model /
K. Ishikawa, Y. Kono, A. Haga, K. Kato, K. Sugawara // Annual Journal Water Science and Engineering. – 2009. – № 2(4). – P. 60-68.
4. Tribology of hydraulic pump testing/ George E. Tolten, Gary H. King, Donald M. Smolenski. – Philadelphia.: (STP: 1310). – 1997. – 376 p.
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