special purpose machines, mathematical modelAbstract
Object of study – special purpose machines.
Purpose – to determine the frequency and scope of additional work on maintenance units and units with low reliability SMEs to improve their probability of failure-free operation.
The mathematical model may evaluate the effectiveness of the system maintenance provided by SMEs when implementing proposals for its improvement. Evaluating the effectiveness of carried out a comparative analysis of the number of current repairs SMEs in the intervals between regular maintenance at the existing system maintenance SMEs. Such a study requires a mathematical model was dynamic. When developing mathematical models used a systematic approach, considered process of internal and external influences on him as a single system.
The mathematical model in which the technical state of SMEs are considered as part of system maintenance. Technical state SME affects the frequency of the amount of work and maintenance, as well as the number of ongoing repairs to restore its efficiency in case of failures.
Using the developed mathematical model can carry cash and theoretical research:
Depending determining parameter of failure flow SME experience and term of its operation:
- calculation and analysis of the dependence of the probability of failure-free operation of SMEs operating time and term of its operation;
- calculation of the possibility of the SME conventional combat missions;
- determine the frequency and volume of additional maintenance work to ensure uptime SMEs within certain limits.
Mathematical model to predict technical capacity of SMEs and their possible losses for technical reasons while performing combat tasks used in their studies RV Doctor of Science Sidorenko and other researchers [4, 5, 6]. Thus, for SMEs after 5 years in operation likely to yield down for technical reasons be determined by taking into account the correction factor characterizing the possible increase in the number of failures. But the proposed correction factor can be used only for SMEs that are in operation for 10 years in the future its value does not reflect the actual number of refusals to SMEs.
Feature of a mathematical model that is designed is that the failure flow parameter calculated according to the time between SMEs and length of stay in operation, which allows to calculate the probability of failure-free operation for each sample SMEs separately, depending on experience and term of its operation.
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