Methodological basis of determination and control biofuels expenditure in the vehicle movement process


  • Andrii Ilchenko Polissya National University



internal combustion engine, car, motion parameters, condition parameters, design parameters, biofuel, bioadmixture, biodiesel, flow control.


The paper proposes a methodological approach to determine and control fuel consumption (biofuels) of a car that has known design parameters and moves in known conditions at known modes. It is noted that at this stage it is more attractive to use mixed fuels based on gasoline or diesel fuel with the addition of various impurities of biological origin. For gasoline-based fuels, impurities can be methyl or ethyl alcohol, for diesel fuel – vegetable oils, as well as their methyl and ethyl esters of these oils.

A structural and logical scheme has been developed, which explains the main provisions of the proposed determining method and controlling the biofuels consumption. In the structural and logical scheme, the following groups of parameters that take place during the car movement are highlighted: parameters of the conditions, the driving mode design. The mutual influence of parameters among themselves and between groups, the influence of the biological component concentration on its consumption, which must be taken into account to determine and control the consumption of biofuels during the movement of the car, was analyzed. It is shown that when switching to the use of biofuel, there is a change in the indicator coefficient of the internal combustion engine, which also affects the change in consumption.It has been proven that in the process of using biofuel, important factors affecting its consumption are density, lower heat of combustion, and the theoretically required amount of air for kg of biofuel combustion, which depends on the volumetric a specific biological component concentration in it.

It has been proven that in the biofuel use process, important factors affecting its consumption are density, lower heat of combustion and the theoretically necessary amount of air for combustion in 1 kg of biofuel, which depends on the volumetric a specific biological component concentration.

Taking into account the relative indicators of the «main» fuel (lower combustion heat, density and theoretically necessary air amount for the combustion of 1 kg impurities), it was established that the smallest increase in fuel consumption by the car engine during operation occurs when rapeseed oil is added to diesel fuel.

Author Biography

Andrii Ilchenko , Polissya National University

Ph.D. (Eng.), Corresponding Member of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, Associate Professor of the Agricultural Engineering and Technical Service Department



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Abstract views: 36



How to Cite

A. . Ilchenko, “Methodological basis of determination and control biofuels expenditure in the vehicle movement process ”, ВМТ, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 61–67, Jul. 2024.






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