Mathematical modeling of the movement of an armored vehicle with a 4×4 wheel formula with change of pressure in the wheel tires using the example of through KrAZ-Spartan
armored vehicles, interaction of wheels with the supporting surface, air pressure control system in wheel tires, patency, operating conditions, mathematical modelingAbstract
The authors proposed a study of the passability of trucks and armored vehicles of the National Guard of Ukraine with a 4x4 wheel formula. The movement of armored vehicles (AMT) of the National Guard of Ukraine involves movement both on public roads and off-road. The possibility of increasing cross-country ability by ensuring optimal pressure distribution in the tires of the wheels is being considered. The increase in bearing capacity in difficult operating conditions can be estimated with the help of modern mathematical tools. This allows the vehicle equipment of the National Guard of Ukraine to study the cross-country ability and select optimal parameters when performing service and combat tasks with a certain ratio of technical characteristics in different operating conditions.
As a result of the full-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, more serious technical requirements are imposed on the vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and the National Guard of Ukraine (NGU) than in peacetime.
Among these requirements, maneuverability is in the first place - controllability is ensured by the ability to move at high speed over rough terrain.
The patency of the AMT of the National Guard of Ukraine depends on many factors, the main ones of which are: the type and quality of the surface on which movement takes place, the pressure in the tires of the wheels, the weight of the vehicle, the order of passing the route of the convoy, etc.
The central air pressure control system in wheel tires (SRPRS) is widely used in various variants of automotive equipment with high traffic intensity, but the main disadvantage of such systems is the need to minimize tire pressure to improve cross-country ability on load-bearing surfaces with low load-bearing capacity. This tolerance can cause the tire to slip off the rim, overheat or burst. This is due to the fact that the maximum speed is limited due to the risk of system failure.
It is recommended to determine the influence of various factors in order to ensure the required level of support patency and analyze it using the example of the KrAZ-SPARTAN armored car with a 4×4 wheel formula.
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