Automation of the construction, comparison and selection of delivery routes and schemes in the multimodal transportation system


  • Olena I. Kichkina Odesa National Maritime University
  • Oleksiy V. Kichkin Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University



multimodal transportation, types of transport, route adjustment, information system, multi-criteria analysis, decision-making



The article proposes the application of a methodical approach to choosing the optimal route of multimodal transportation based on a module integrated into the information system of a freight forwarding company. The functions of the module are to build an optimal delivery scheme and meet all customer requirements, both domestic and international multimodal transportation, taking into account the changing circumstances in the conditions of instability caused by the state of war and the need to reorient the usual delivery routes.

In the conditions of military operations, this method of automated search and comparison of alternative routes allows taking into account changing conditions that develop in real time, while the cargo flow should be accompanied by an information flow that would also be available in real time. The proposed structure of the database, the structures of requests for development routes., developed forms of source documents. The criteria for comparing routes of different dimensions are defined: the difference in the distance of cargo transportation, the costs of changing the existing system of cargo transportation, increasing the level of transportation safety, delivery time, reducing the cost of delivering a batch of goods, the difference in delivery time. A solution to the multi-criteria decision-making problem by normalizing the criteria and the additive optimization method is proposed. The method of determining the best route and supply scheme is implemented in the "decision-making" module, which is integrated into the information system of the transport forwarding company.

The result of the practical implementation of the proposed method of construction, comparison and selection of routes and delivery schemes in the system of multimodal transportation based on the integrated module in the information system of the transport and forwarding company is the possibility of quick response to changes in external circumstances, warnings of emergency and conflict situations, control of the transportation process along the entire route and , if necessary, making adjustments to the route and delivery scheme, choosing a safe and effective option by the operator of multimodal transportation.

Author Biographies

Olena I. Kichkina , Odesa National Maritime University

Ph. D. (Eng.), associate professor

Oleksiy V. Kichkin , Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

senior lecturer


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Abstract views: 123



How to Cite

O. I. Kichkina and O. . V. Kichkin, “Automation of the construction, comparison and selection of delivery routes and schemes in the multimodal transportation system”, ВМТ, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 73–79, Feb. 2024.






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