Terminology of the morphological environment for the modelling of technical systems


  • Roman V. Zinko Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Yurii U. Skvarok Drohobyt State Pedagogical University named after I. Franko
  • Viktor E. Martyn Automotive and road professional college
  • Andriy P. Polyakov Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Yaroslav V. Saftyuk Vinnytsia National Technical University




term, term formation, modelling of technical systems, morphological environment, thesaurus, interdisciplinary approach


Unlike the words of the language of common goals, the appearance of the term goes through a more complicated path and is connected with a new phenomenon of reality, so it is not spontaneous. The term, unlike the words of natural language, always describes a single, strictly defined set of material objects or their interactions and relationships. Each term has a strict definition that conditions such unity, and to understand a term it is necessary to know both its own definition and the definitions of all the terms used in its definition, down to the basic, undefined, concepts. The appearance of the term, unlike the words of the language of common goals, goes through a more complicated path and is not spontaneous, as it is connected with a new phenomenon of reality, the nomination of which is one of the links of the process of cognition. The rapid formation of new disciplines entails the need for its own terminology.

The article analyses term formation for the direction of modelling technical systems using the morphological environment. Various ways of forming terms are considered, the main of which are: formation by word-forming derivative - creation of new words from morphemes available in the language according to known (usually productive) models; by means of a semantic derivative, in other words, the formation on the basis of the similarity of a newly called phenomenon with a phenomenon already known in an already existing word of another meaning; by borrowing words from other languages. An example of creating a thesaurus is given. The ways of forming terms are considered: by way of word-forming derivative; by way of semantic derivative; due to the borrowing of words from other languages, the algorithm and peculiarities of the implementation of each method are analysed.

The authors give the classification of terms and the scheme of the process of formation of terms, also the algorithm of using related terms between related disciplines is given, it is emphasized that the possibility of using terms between related disciplines is observed.

An interdisciplinary approach is implemented where the methodology and theoretical foundations of different sciences, in particular disciplines far from each other, are jointly used to study the same phenomenon. An interdisciplinary approach creates the possibility of using terms between related disciplines. The process of such use is shown.

Author Biographies

Roman V. Zinko , Lviv Polytechnic National University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor

Yurii U. Skvarok , Drohobyt State Pedagogical University named after I. Franko

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor

Viktor E. Martyn , Automotive and road professional college


Andriy P. Polyakov , Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor

Yaroslav V. Saftyuk , Vinnytsia National Technical University



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How to Cite

R. . V. Zinko, Y. U. Skvarok, V. . E. Martyn, A. . P. Polyakov, and Y. V. Saftyuk, “Terminology of the morphological environment for the modelling of technical systems”, ВМТ, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 63–72, Feb. 2024.






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