Ensuring and improving the reliability and efficiency of the road truck transportation process by building a failure tree of structural elements of the transportation system
transport system, transportation process, reliability, efficiency, failure tree, structural elements, optimizationAbstract
It was found that to ensure and improve the reliability of transport systems, it is necessary to have an effective toolkit for identification and classification of their failures, the number for a given period of operation and the determination of the required number of structural elements in the form of participants.
It is shown that the construction of a tree of their failures is an effective tool for identification and classification of transport system failures. The procedure for its construction and its implementation is presented on the example of a transport system for the transportation of rock mass for the production of crushed stone. A tree of failures of this system was built and the main directions of its activity were developed to ensure the technical serviceability of the rolling stock and prevent its failures. Attention is focused on the coefficient of technical readiness of the vehicle fleet, an analysis of various types of formulas for evaluating this complex indicator of reliability and ways to increase its level are provided. Factors affecting the reliability of the transport system are determined and their list is given.
It was found that regardless of the mutual location of the elements of the transport system, it is difficult to assign any of them to the main category. At the same time, the main argument is that the failure of any structural element of the transport system can lead to its complete failure, with the exception of elements connected in parallel.
A number of assumptions have been made regarding the formation of the organizational and production structure of a trucking company based on functional characteristics, when the grouping and selection of elements of the company's production system is carried out in accordance with the commonality of performed functions. Areas of activity of trucking companies to prevent failures in the transport system caused by technical malfunctions of rolling stock are given.
It was established that based on the results of the analysis of possible failures in the transport system, the optimization of the number of elements of the structural and functional scheme of the production process of transportation is carried out, when solving the problem, the minimum necessary number of its participants is determined. At the same time, the optimization criterion is selected taking into account the cost of the transportation process, which includes conditionally constant and variable costs directly for the movement of the object of transportation and its terminal processing on the way of passage.
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