Justification of effective direction to develop control systems of traffic lights with fixed cycles
isolated traffic lights, coordination of traffic lights, actuated traffic light control, signalized intersection, city highway, street-road network, vehicle, traffic flows, traffic flow rateAbstract
The study aims to determine priorities in the development of networks of fixed time traffic lights, the presence of which is feature of most Ukraine cities. A large number of studies on the problem of traffic light control in cities rely on the use of modern decision-making mechanisms based on the heuristics chosen by the authors or the processing of large data sets using artificial intelligence. The methods created as a result of such studies usually demonstrate some improvement in the performance of traffic control compared to its existing state or basic alternatives, but cannot claim generality and widespread application, and look more like another attempt to find an acceptable solution in the control of road traffic through the application of methods that have proven themselves well in other areas of knowledge. The main part of the work in the field of traffic light control is devoted to the issues of adaptive management of isolated traffic lights or their groups in cities and demonstrates limited effectiveness, which does not exceed the performances of the methods of traffic light coordination. At the same time, the combined application of the methods of coordinated and adapted traffic light management leads to significantly higher results, which can testify in favor of coordination as a priority direction for the development of isolated traffic light systems.
The results of comparing the efficiency of isolated and coordinated fragments of the street-road network, where existing software tools for simple or adapted coordination were not used, as well as the results of manual adjustment of coordination plans, lead to the same preliminary conclusion. But for the final solution to the issue of the priority of adaptive or coordinated control directions in the development of isolated traffic light systems, it is necessary to create and implement a new method of coordination, which will allow convincing evidence in its favor as a more effective first step on the way from isolated traffic lights to a smart city.
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