Features of driving of the steering wheel driving cars
steering, structure, diagnostics, analysis of methods, localization of malfunctionsAbstract
Existing methods of diagnosing steering can be characterized by low efficiency. For various reasons, both declarative and actual (supported by the equipment) methods, as a rule, have low accuracy and inability to localize faults. The car's built-in diagnostics cannot affect the situation due to the small number of sensors in the steering system. The reasons for the low accuracy of the methods include design features, low availability of components (low maintainability). Difficulties in localization of malfunctions are caused by the structural scheme which is characterized by parallel - consecutive construction. The parameters of diagnostic methods are analyzed, the proposed method is based on the structure of the steering, in the implementation of which test effects are applied to the steered wheels. In total it is necessary to carry out three measurements of backlashes and as a result of mathematical processing of results it becomes possible to localize malfunction in three links of consecutive elements of the steering mechanism or a steering drive. In accordance with this approach, steering is considered as a set of three structures - parallel and two sequential.
Rack and pinion steering was used as a model. Here, the parallel structure includes elements of the steering linkage: swing arm, left and right; steering rod, left and right; steering rack - left and right hinges. The sequential structure - left, includes a swing arm, left; steering rod, left; steering rack hinge, left; steering gear, steering shaft, steering wheel. Accordingly, the sequential structure of the right includes similar elements with the attribute "right". The structure of the steering play is considered in a similar way. As a result, it becomes possible to obtain a transformed system of three algebraic equations connecting clearances in three groups of mates and backlashes in parallel and two sequential steering structures. To measure the backlash, the turntables of the BOSCH FWA 4410 stand were used; in another version, the wheels were hung out. As a result of tests carried out on VW GOLF, VW PASSAT and RENAULT 25 vehicles with significant mileage, data was obtained indicating the need for technical interventions on localized groups of interfaces.
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