Analysis of structures of flat planting machines
grinding machine, grinding, detail, finishing, oscillating motion, rotational motion, hydraulic-pulse drive, multi-movement, cutting tool, roughness, abrasiveAbstract
One of the methods of material processing is considered, which allows to obtain high geometric accuracy and low surface roughness of parts, namely their abrasive finishing. The high quality of machining of parts in this way is due to the use of coordinated relative movement of the workpiece and the cutting tool.
According to the kinematic features, most lapping machines can be divided into two groups: machines with oscillating working motion and machines with rotating lapping motion. The machines of the first group are more common due to the simplicity of their design and versatility. However, the possibility of their use is limited by the size range of the workpieces and uneven wear of the cutting tool and, as a consequence, the uneven surface treatment of the part. The machines of the second group are considered the most versatile, as they allow processing a wide range of parts, varying in shape and size, but they are also not without such a disadvantage as uneven wear of the cutting tool with all the corresponding consequences.
Improving the efficiency of abrasive finishing by complicating the trajectory of the relative movement of the tool and the part, ie the formation of a unique mutual working movement of the lapping and the movement of the workpiece, is one of the most common areas. The main disadvantage of equipment that provides processing of parts on this principle is, in most cases, limited regulation of the operating parameters of the cutting process, so this area remains promising and has broad prospects for development.
The constructive scheme of the hydraulic-pulse flat-lapping machine offered in work thanks to a combination of advantages of the hydraulic-pulse drive with use of numerical program control will allow to provide unique mutual multi-movement of preparation and the lapping tool with a possibility of adjustment of its parameters in the course of processing. Purposeful choice of the shape and density of the trajectory of the working movement of the tool will form a micro relief of the treated surface with the necessary statistical parameters and low roughness.
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