Mechatronic device for two-stage clamping of cylindrical objects in machine tool spindles


  • Borys Prydalnyi Lutsk National Technical University



two-stage clamping, collet chuck, control system, electric drive, spindle unit


The design of an electromechanical device for fixing cylindrical objects in the spindle units of technological equipment is presented. The new two-stage concept of the clamping process with a separated first stage is developed. The design of the presented mechanism provides advanced capabilities for control and regulation of its operating characteristics. The control system with the possibility of carrying out the first stage of clamping in automatic mode and without connecting to the upper-level control system in a technological machine is proposed. The involvement of electrical devices for the conversion and transmission of energy instead of their mechanical analogues is used as one of the promising ways to increase the performance efficiency of machine units. It helps to simplify and expand control capabilities, as well as reduce energy losses during intermediate transformations. The absence of mechanical energy converters in the proposed structure helps to reduce energy losses on intermediate transformations. The simplicity of the design expands the possibilities of integration of the proposed clamping mechanism into the structure of both new and existing technological machines in order to modernize it. This allows to achieve technical results, such as an expansion of the metalworking machines functionality, increase the level of automation of the clamping process and the accuracy of clamping objects in spindle units. The task is achieved by equipping the jaw of the clamping chuck with a special mechanism for identifying the presence of the object for clamping. For this goal, the clamping jaw is equipped with a probe that is capable of simultaneous force interaction with the object and the plunger. The plunger is rigidly attached to the magnetic element whose magnetic field has the possibility to interact with the magnetic field sensor. The sensor transmits its electrical signals to the control system of the device. The research results are aimed at meeting the requirements for effective control of clamping mechanisms with the possibility of automatic operation according to a preset algorithm for maintenance of optimal characteristics of a clamping process and a wide range of optional settings.

Author Biography

Borys Prydalnyi, Lutsk National Technical University

Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Mechatronics


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Abstract views: 231



How to Cite

B. Prydalnyi, “Mechatronic device for two-stage clamping of cylindrical objects in machine tool spindles”, ВМТ, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 118–123, Jul. 2021.






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