The influence of some design parameters on the heat transfer in thermal fuel flowmeter
heat flow,, heat flowmeter, calorimetric flowmeter, thermoanemometric flowmeter, fuel consumption, design coefficient, thermal conductivity, thermal conductivity coefficientAbstract
The article analyzes the influence, relationship and value of design parameters of the heat flow meter on its radial and axial heat fluxes in the tube (tube diameter, heater diameter and their ratio, thermal conductivity of the tube material, etc.). It is shown that at the stage of choosing the design parameters of the flowmeter it is necessary to take into account the influence of its radial heat flux on the axial one. The influence of radial heat flux in the flowmeter tube on the error of fuel loss measurement is substantiated. Analytical dependences which allow to define an axial heat stream are resulted, their analysis concerning influence of flowmeter tube constructive parameters on heat transfer is carried out. Measures are planned and recommendations are developed for the choice of design flowmeter parameters, development or use, provided that the influence of radial heat flow on the axial is reduced, which will reduce the total error of fuel consumption measurement.
Regarding the choice of design parameters of heat meters while reducing the error of measuring fuel consumption, it is shown that the maximum possible decrease in the diameter of the heater and increase the diameter of the flow tube reduce the impact of radial heat flow on the axial and thus reduce the total fuel consumption error. Numerical ratios of tube diameter to flowmeter heater diameter for different thermal conductivities of tube materials are given under the condition of minimal influence on fuel consumption measurement error. For tube materials with a thermal conductivity 0.16… 0.25 W / (m ∙ K) (ebonite, fluoroplastic F-5, etc.) the tube diameters ratio and the heater should be within 1.51… 1.62, and for materials with more high thermal conductivity (thermal conductivity greater than 14.9 W / (m ∙ K)), this ratio should be equal to 1.99.
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