Evaluation of the directions of development of the production and technical base of the enterprises of motor vehicle transport
car park structure, the production and technical base, the enterprises of motor vehicle transport, road transportAbstract
Road transport today is a wide range of automotive technology, which is constantly updated, which sets the task of developing an appropriate production and technical base for the technical maintenance of rolling stock in good condition, the use of progressive and resource-saving technological processes and new technological equipment. In order to effectively accomplish this task, projects for the construction of new and reconstruction of existing road transport enterprises must take into account not only the current tendencies of development of the car fleet, but also meet the modern requirements of car manufacturers for the organization of warranty and post-warranty maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. Purposeful change of the structure of production in order to create and develop a system of authorized (company, dealer, official) car service becomes an important condition for achieving maximum efficiency due to the increase of labor productivity and high quality of performance of all works regulated by the automaker at the lowest labor and material costs. The analysis of practical experience of realization of tasks of development of specific sections and zones of production and technical base of specific auto enterprises shows that reconstruction of existing and creation of new objects at the highest organizational and technical level is a complex, long-lasting and continuous process aimed at forming a rational composition of production elements of technical base. In this regard, the article is devoted to the search for general patterns of development of production systems in road transport.The research consists in observing in the real production environment of effective signs of improvement of planning, designing and organization of works at the enterprise, systematic analysis of established cause and effect relationships, substantiation of an adequate model of the factor system and evaluation of the importance of factors that influence the efficiency of production base utilization. The result of the research is formulated scientific and practical conclusions that can be used to solve the problem of rational development of the production and technical base of road transport enterprises in order to ensure the efficient operation of rolling stock.
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