methods, sleeve, pressure, dynamic characteristics, stand, rate of complianceAbstract
The technique and equipment to determine the dynamic characteristics of flexible high pressure hoses (HPH) is proposed in the paper.
The object of the study isthe dynamic processes in the oral flexible hose with a load of its pressure.
The purpose of work is to determine the effect influence of geometrical parameters and structure of the flexible high pressure hose on its dynamic characteristics.
The actual forecasting performance of the machine during its hydraulic design depends on the dynamic characteristics of high pressure hose (in the technical literature it is often used the term - coefficient of compliance). Analytically it is quite difficult to do this, because HPH design is a complex composite metal-rubber structure that is mathematically difficult to present clearly.
The method and design of the stand, allowing a qualitative transient processes in cavity hoses under the influence of single and periodic excitation signal, which is a certain amount of fluid supplied to the cavity hoses in dynamic mode and build amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency specific characteristics of the sample hoses.
There has been established that the compliance coefficient K (p) depends on the geometrical parameters and structure (number and type of metal braids) HPH.References
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