welding, soldering, cracks, метаllic cоnsтructіons, shock viscidity, weld-fabricated guy-suturesAbstract
The using of combination of technology of welding and soldering as a method of repair of areas of metallic constructions, that are damaged by cracks, is offered in the article.
A research object is the weld-fabricated guy-sutures and round guy-sutures area, that formed technology of welding-soldering.
A purpose of work is determination of influence of amount of cut-in copper in the volume of the weld-fabricated guy-sutures on impact resistance of connection.
Strengthening and repair of areas of metallic constructions with the engendered cracks are possible by the way of welding on of additional elements. Such technological decision provides the increase of durability of construction, but at the same time leads to the negative change of structure in the temperature affected zone and diminishing of corrosive firmness in it.
One of methods of removal of such failings consists in combination of processes of welding and soldering. In quality of soldering material for defence of round guy-sutures area it is suggested to use a copper. As a result of hit and dissolution of copper there is a possible change of mechanical descriptions of connection in the weld-fabricated guy-sutures. In this work is the executed researches of influence of content of copper are in guy-sutures on impact resistance of the welded standards.
It is set that the presence of copper solders is not worsened by the process of welding and forming of the weld-fabricated guy-sutures, however changes it mechanical properties, in particular impact resistance. Renewal and strengthening of steel constructions by the way of using of the combined welding with the use of solders on the basis of copper except for the increase of descriptions of durability of such connection provides corrosive defence of the thermal affected zone.
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