автомобільний двигун, технічне обслуговування, надійність.Abstract
The paper considers possible directions to increase the efficiency of automobile engines (AE) operation by means of improvement of technical maintenance.
Characteristic features of AE technical maintenance efficiency is investigated. The efficiency is determined by the fact how it provides the interaction between the existing process of AE technical state change and the process of its operation. Technical maintenance performed in Armed Forces of Ukraine is based on realization of preventive measures of certain volumes in preset time intervals or AE operation regardless of the state of its systems and components. In such conditions technical maintenance of AE for determination of the interaction between AE states and operation of the existing system of technical maintenance requires improvement. That is why , the aim of the given paper is the investigation of characteristic features of maintenance strategies usage in the system of AE technical maintenance.
It is established that the application of AE maintenance strategies aimed at control the reliability level enables to carry out technical maintenance taking into account operation properties of the components, their reliability characteristics. Main characteristic of AE technical maintenance program by technical state, developed on the basis of the given strategy is that the processes of components operation and volumes of AE technical maintenance are set not according to components output but according to emerging technical states. Successful realization of such program depends on coordinated actions of the units, operating AE.
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