Editorial Politics
Focus and Scope
The editorial board of the “Bulletin of Mechanical Engineering and Transport” accepts scientific papers in research and technical development.
Submitted materials in the following areas are published in the Bulletin:- Transport and transportation technologies
- Modern technologies in mechanical engineering, welding and related process and technology, nanotechnology
- Mechatronics. Hydraulic and pneumatic actuators for various technological purposes, vibration and vibration shock machines and technologies
- Reliability and durability of mechanisms and machines, machine parts and metal structure strength of lifting transport machine
- Machinery safe operation
- Development and modern requirements for weapons and military equipment
- Modern equipment and advanced technologies in weapons and military equipment production
- Current issues of psychological support for military personnel
Published twice a year.
Founded in January 2015.
Peer Review Process
Scientific articles are written in English or Ukrainian, which have not been previously published, are accepted for publication at the scientific journal “Bulletin of Mechanical Engineering and Transport”. Submitted articles may not be reviewed in other periodicals at the same time.
Editorial board of the scientific journal:
- decides which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published;
- seeks to meet the needs of readers and authors of scientific articles;
- constantly improves the quality of the journal;
- ensures the quality of the published material;
- provides transparency in researches;
- завжди є готовою до публікації виправлень, пояснень, скорочень і вибачень, у разі потреби, які мають бути аргументовані.
is always ready to publish amendments, explanations and apologies, if necessary
The main factors that determine the Editorial Board’s decision on publishing the article are verifying materials’ authenticity, topic relevance and its importance for the researchers and readers. Neither the materials that are prohibited by the law of Ukraine nor references to such resources are allowed to be published by the Editorial board.
The Editorial Board informs the author about the possible terms of publication, as well as the issue of the journal in which the submitted article can be published. The scientific article must meet the requirements of the scientific journal “Bulletin of Mechanical Engineering and Transport”, which are published and present on the site. The “Bulletin of Mechanical Engineering and Transport” journal does not provide any fee for publication. Before publication, all articles are peer-reviewed by leading domestic and foreign experts, preceeding literary editing by the Editorial board.
A reviewer may recommend:
- to publish the article in the original version (without making any changes);
- to accept the article for publication after making minor editorial changes;
- to send the material back to the author for revision (in this case, the article is re-reviewed after the author has made appropriate changes);
- to reject the article without further consideration.
The Editorial board of the journal does not change the decision on the accepted materials unless there is a serious reason of this. Materials and articles are not given back.
The review process takes no longer than 30 days. The reviewer should provide a reasoned conclusion, avoiding personal criticism and subjectivity. The Editorial staff of the journal maintains the names of the reviewers unrevealed.
Editorial Ethics
The Editorial board is not responsible for the professional content and methodological accuracy of the published materials, as well as for the references to the Internet resources and literary sources contained in the text of the article being accurate.
Unpublished manuscripts should not be used by the Editorial board for any purpose and should remain confidential to the third parties.
The authors will be informed regarding the decision to adopt and publish their manuscripts as soon as possible. Once accepted, the materials will usually be published in the next available issue of the journal. The authors of the materials are fully responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in their work, as well as for compliance with the rules of law, morality and ethics.
The views expressed by the authors in the submitted articles may not coinside with the opinion of the Editorial board
The authors of scientific articles are obliged to:
- be responsible for the accuracy of facts, proper names, photo documents, other information and the overall meaning of the article;
- keep the terms of the license and publication agreement;
- eliminate all the defects of the scientific article (if stated by the reviewer);
- avoid submitting an article for publication that describes essentially the same issue in more than one journal. Submitting an article to more than one journal simultaneously is considered unethical and unacceptable;
- avoid submitting previously published articles to other journals;
- ensure the authenticity of the article, which does not contain non-original information without proper reference;
- cite correctly the works of other authors who are present in the scientific article;
- submit articles that do not contain materials that are not subject for publication in the open press in accordance with the current law of Ukraine (confidential information, state secrets);
- ensure that the names of all co-authors of the scientific article are indicated and no non-co-authors are included, as well as to ensure that all the co-authors of the scientific article are aware of the final submitted version of the article, have approved it and have given their consent for publication.
The Editorial staff uses the mechanisms to maintain the reviewed material confident in accordance with the law in force.
Any statements, conclusions or arguments that have already been used in the publications should be properly documented. The reviewer is obliged to pay attention to the substantial or partial similarity to any other work which the reviewer directly worked with.
The Editorial board monitors the material’s compliance with international ethical standards, but cannot guarantee that the submitted materials are fully ethical. The Editorial board protects personal data.
When using personal data the Editorial board of the journal is guided by the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data”.
The personal data of the authors are solely used to support the process of publishing, maintaining the website of the scientific journal and approaching to international scientometrics.
The Editorial board of the scientific journal “Bulletin of Mechanical Engineering and Transport” has no right to disclose information about the article submitted for publication to anyone but the author.
The Editorial board adheres to the procedure of authors’ (complaints) responses consideration to the reviewer’s remarks and promptly responds to the received complaints as well as avoids further situations to upset the authors.
Responses to comments (complaints) in written form are submitted by the author of the scientific article to the Editorial board, which considers them within estimated term.
The editorial staff ethically tries to prevent unpredictable cases and adheres to the standards of publishing ethics and makes every effort to ensure that ethical issues between the authors of the scientific articles and the editors of the scientific journal are properly solved.
Plagiarism Warning
The editorial board determines the phenomenon of plagiarism as follows:
academic plagiarism - publication (in part or in full) of scientific (creative) results obtained by other persons as the results of one's own research (creativity) and/or reproduction of published texts (published works of art) of other authors without indicating authorship;
self-plagiarism - publicizing (in part or in full) own previously published scientific results as new scientific results;
fabrication - fabrication of data or facts used in the educational process or scientific research;
falsification - deliberate change or modification of already existing data related to the educational process or scientific research;
deception - provision of knowingly false information regarding one's own educational (scientific, creative) activity or organization of the educational process; forms of cheating are, in particular, academic plagiarism, self-plagiarism, fabrication, falsification and plagiarism.
Actions that characterize the process of plagiarism:
- passing someone else's work off as one's own;
- copying the words or ideas of another person without reference to his works;
- deliberate omission of a link from the list of sources;
- providing incorrect data about the source;
- changing the order of words while preserving the general structure of the sentence and without reference to the source;
- copying a large amount of text or ideas with references to sources that together make up the majority of the article.
Procedure for checking manuscripts for plagiarism:
All manuscripts submitted to the editorial office are checked by the responsible secretary for uniqueness using the Unicheck text-matching service at the initial review stage. A manuscript can be accepted for consideration for publication only if it is at least 80% unique. Additionally, the uniqueness of the manuscript is assessed at the review stage (as one of the criteria evaluated by the reviewers). In cases of detection of plagiarism, the manuscript is rejected.
All responsibility for the reliability of the information in the articles, the accuracy of names, surnames and quotations is borne by the authors of the presented materials in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine (the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights").
Responsible persons, heads of departments, editors and members of the editorial board are guided by the Law of Ukraine "On Education" (clause 4, article 42 "Academic Integrity"), the Recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for higher education institutions on supporting the principles of academic integrity, the Regulations on Academic Integrity integrity at VNTU.
When plagiarism is identified after the paper is published, the editors may retract the original publication depending on the degree of plagiarism, the context of the published article, and its impact on the overall integrity of the published research.
Open Access Policy
Journal's content is fully accessible online.