electric car, car with combined power plant, stability of movement, acceleration, speed, torqueAbstract
In this article an approach is proposed to ensure stability in the dispersal of a four-wheel drive electric vehicle (a car equipped with a combined power unit with an electric drive of the driving wheels) due to the redistribution of the torque values between the wheels of the front and rear axles of the car. The rational law of separate control of electric motors of the drive of the front and rear wheels is determined, which provides the course stability of the electric vehicle during acceleration. For this purpose, the coefficient of distribution of the total tangential response to the front axle wheels was determined, which is ideal for the preservation of stability. On the basis of the ideal coefficient of distribution of the total tangential response to the wheels of the front defined torque for the electric motors of the wheels of the front and rear axles of the car.
The proposed block diagram of the separate control of electric motors of the drive of the front and rear wheels allows it to be further integrated into the control system for dispersal of an electric vehicle (a car equipped with a combined power unit with an electric drive of driving wheels).
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